This Agreement is a public offer and defines the terms of use materials and services posted on the website on the Internet at: www.hollywood-capital.biz , visitors and users of this website

  1. General provisions
    1. program Participant Hollywood Capital is open to any person over age of majority under the laws of his country and having the right to self-determination managing your own finances, provided that it does not contradict the laws of the country his residence and international law.
    2. Registration on the Company`s Website and further cooperation is voluntary every Customer`s decision.
    3. registration is proof that the Customer is entirely accepts all terms and conditions of this Agreement, agrees to comply with all obligations and
    4. All text materials of the Site, as well as its design and any other contained on the Site the information is subject to the protection of the copyright Law and is subject to the are the exclusive intellectual property of the Company. The use of any materials, logo of the program and other materials and articles are possible only under the condition of mandatory coordination with the company`s management.
    5. Information, documents, materials, opinions published on the Site are purely Advisory in nature. Responsibility for the consequences of their use lies with the Client.
    6. in the event of a dispute between the Parties, such dispute shall be settled exclusively through negotiations between the Parties, until they are fully resolved.
  2. Client`s Rights, obligations and responsibilities
    1. when registering in the program, the Client is obliged to fill in the registration form on the Website, providing only true, current and correct information necessary for passing registration.
    2. the Client has the right to register only one unique account. The uniqueness of the account determined by a combination of username, E-mail and ip address. In cases of violations this item will permanently block the user`s account. Funds will be refunded minus the Commission of the payment system within 24 hours.
    3. the Client makes an investment in the Company`s program exclusively for on its own initiative, voluntarily and is fully responsible for the consequences of its actions`.
    4. the customer has the right to invite to cooperation in the program of his friends, acquaintances and other persons, using only legal means, for example, by means of electronic mail (not SPAM), advertising on various forums and websites, as well as other actions for the development of the project, not prohibited by the legislation of the state under whose jurisdiction the Client is located, and does not contradict the terms of this Agreement.
    5. the Client is obliged to provide only accurate information about the program, and not allow any written or oral statements discrediting reputation of the Company, in mass media, blogs, social networks and other means of communication.
    6. the Client undertakes not to use the company`s contacts for other purposes, namely: on contacts Of the company private advertising, information on other projects and companies, to conduct personal correspondence to resolve issues not related to the program or investment process.
    7. the Company uses the most modern equipment and software in its activities providing, as well as the most powerful and reliable means of protection existing on today. However, the company`s Customers are strongly advised to provide full security of your personal data, authorization data and anti-virus protection of your personal computer in order to protect their funds from being taken over by intruders (password theft, obtaining unauthorized access to the member`s account). Recommends use of licensed anti-virus programs and firewalls (firewalls).
    8. In case a Client attempts or setting unauthorized access to his account or e-mail, the Client is obliged immediately inform the support service of the Company. The client also has the right to apply to customer support if you have any questions or difficulties.
    9. Customer agrees that if he breaches any provision of this Agreement, The company reserves the right to unilaterally apply to it appropriate measures of influence provided for each possible violation.
  3. the Rights, duties and responsibility of the Company
    1. the Company gives each Client the opportunity to choose a unique name the user to which his / her account will be linked in the program system. Company provides the Client with round-the-clock access to the operating and accounting system (account) with the date of conclusion of this Agreement.
    2. Company provides data confidentiality and all information on operations, stored in the Customer`s account. Under no circumstances will the Company transfer confidential Client data to third parties. The company is not responsible in the event of, if the Client has not provided proper protection of their data, account or voluntarily transferred any such information to third parties.
    3. Company provides timely automatic accrual of profit every the participant in accordance with the investment proposal And the rules of the project, in the case of customer`s compliance with all the terms of this Agreement.
    4. the Company reserves the right to unilaterally make changes or supplements to this Agreement. About the planned changes and date of their entry into force The company undertakes to inform the official group of the company Vkontakte, as well as in the Telegram and Skype chat rooms. If The client does not read these notices (changes/additions), or will be ignored, responsibility for consequences entirely and lies entirely on the Client.
    5. the company has the right to block the Customer`s account in the following cases:
      a) if a Participant uses profanity when communicating with representatives of the Company;
      b) if the Client allows himself negative and slanderous statements about the program of the Company and other participants of the program on forums, blogs, chats and other thematic online resources;
      C) if the Client sends messages using SPAM technology.
      d) if the Client creates more than one account in the program;
      e) if The client`s actions are aimed at the deterioration of the quality characteristics of the Site using malware and hardware;
      e) if the client`s actions are seen as motives aimed at inciting ethnic hatred.
  4. settlement Procedure
    1. Accrual of profit to the company`s Clients is carried out according to the investment the proposal in the automatic mode of activation of the Deposit.
    2. Accrual of profit to the Client occurs on the balance of his account.
    3. Withdrawal of funds is carried out in the instant mode, subject to the availability of affordable funds on the balance in the Client`s account.
    4. Request for withdrawal of funds is carried out independently by the Client using electronic payment systems supported by the company`s investment process. That`s all the costs associated with the withdrawal of funds the system takes over.
    5. the Client agrees that he will not make any claims against the Company in the event of delays in payments due to force majeure, technical problems on the sites electronic payment systems or other reasons beyond the Company`s control. The client acknowledges that these factors are beyond the competence and responsibility of the Company;
    warranty And limitation of liability
    1. the Company operates in strict accordance with the laws of the United States, as well as in parts of the international investment cooperation, - according to the international legislation.
    2. Main company`s activity is generating income from investing in the movie industry.
    3. the Company undertakes to ensure the correct operation of the site and each account.
    4. In the event of a failure of the program, the Company guarantees the recovery and a quick start the program to work.
  5. Duration, amendment and termination of the contract
    1. Agreement is considered concluded from the moment of its acceptance by the Customer in accordance with 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 of this Agreement and shall remain in force at all times existence of the Company`s program.
    2. the Company reserves the right to unilaterally make changes and additions to the present Agreement, without notice to the Client about the changes. Client agrees that you must keep track of all the changes and additions which the Company may enter into the text of this Agreement or the content of any section of the Site.
    3. Any actions that will produce on the Company`s Website the Customer after making any changes confirm the Customer`s acceptance of these changes.
    4. In cases of breach by the Customer of the terms of this Agreement, the Company shall the right to block the member`s account, as well as to terminate this Agreement in the sole discretion without prior notice.
  6. Final clauses
    1. this agreement is available as an electronic document to all visitors and Clients of the program on the official website of the Company: www.hollywood-capital.biz
    2. the Parties acknowledge that this agreement, signed and accepted electronically, it has bilateral legal force, that is, the force of the original and can not be challenged third party.
    3. the Parties acknowledge and agree that any cooperation between the Parties is private transactions, the details and conditions of which can not be disclosed to third parties.
    4. all sections of the Company`s Website are automatically linked to this Agreement and are subject to performance by the Parties in the same manner as this Agreement.